Relase Date: November 2022 (CD/Digital)
Self-Titled LP From German 70ies Psychedelic Rock Gang MAJOR KNOCKOUT Finally Remastered; Album To Drop this Fall.

Major Knockout was founded in 1974 and was formed from the remains of the bands Pontius Pilatus and Holy Slow Train. From the beginning, the new Amberg formation caused a sensation on the music scene. With their charismatic singer and frontman George “G-Rock” Uebler and guitarist Helmut Spörl the band really took off. Besides cover songs by the Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Free and others, Major Knockout focused more and more on writing their own songs, which – after 16 years of existence – were finally pressed on vinyl in 1990.
But especially the ecstatic Major Knockout live shows were an experience to behold.
Performances on Bavarian TV (“18, 19, Music”) with Thomas Gottschalk and the award for “Best Band of the Oberpfalz” followed.
The concerts in the Josefshaus in Amberg were always sold out; the band also toured nationally several times and was on stage with Mitch Ryder, Dr. Feelgood and Roger Chapman. When Major Knockout performed in front of Spider Murphy Gang in the 80s, the pros were so taken with Helmut Spörl’s guitar playing that they wanted to snap him up right away. Spörl, however, refused – that was not his taste in music.
It was precisely this quality that set Major Knockout apart from others: the various musical fads that appeared at the time (disco, pop, hip hop or even rap) never influenced the band’s consistently hard line. The band members always remained true to themselves.
In the course of the combo’s 40-year history, five drummers, six bassists and three guitarists were worn out – only Helmut Spörl and George Uebler, the band’s founders and songwriters, were always there.
Only when the last bass player Michael Ketterer and singer George Uebler died, Major Knockout hat reached the end. Helmut Spörl, however, continues to play with his new band The Lucky Punch. There are still some Major Knockout songs in the program.
Rock on…forever!
A while ago, the original multi-track master tapes of all the songs from the LP, multi-tracks of some never before released bonus tracks plus the first-generation production master tape of the original LP were rediscovered. Thus, this CD presents the original LP tracks in best-ever quality and new 2022 mixes of the tracks…the way Helmut Spörl had envisaged them at the time.

So this CD, filled to almost the last second, offers the following:
- The remix of 2022 (previously completely unreleased).
- As well as some bonus tracks of the band, which were recorded in 1990 in the studio Klangbox in Amberg (an edition of 500 cassettes was produced and given away. Most of the cassettes are gone. The remix is completely unreleased so far)
- The original mix from 1990 (24-bit remaster)
- all the songs are taken from first generation master tapes